There is always more to learn about affordable housing in St. Louis.
Do you have research you want to share with our community? Contact us on our Take Action page!

COVID-19 Cracked the Foundation of Housing: We Need New Systems to Guarantee Homes for All
It is my firm belief that housing is a human right—one that we have a collective responsibility to ensure. Taking that seriously requires us to think about how we mitigate the damage and, through policy, organizing, and mutual aid, to create a system that puts the value and dignity of human life at the center.

Neighborhood Change and Displacement: The Case for a Conversion Fee in St. Louis
A conversion is when a building that previously offered several naturally affordable housing units is rehabbed into a large, expensive single-family home. Families that lived there before can no longer afford it and the number of available housing units overall is reduced, further limiting attainable housing options. Where is this happening in St. Louis?

Affordable Housing is a Racial Justice Issue
We cannot discuss affordable housing in the St. Louis region without considering race.