Accountability Recommendations
In order to better measure success for affordable housing goals, we have the following recommendations for data collection or reporting for various institutions. We recommend...
Strategy 1.1 Maintaining Quantity
Saint Louis County develops the equivalent of St. Louis City’s Vacant Property Explorer.
Saint Louis County begins tracking the number of residential demolitions completed by municipalities within Saint Louis County.
St. Louis Housing Authority and Housing Authority of Saint Louis County report the number of public housing units that are off-market for maintenance.
Strategy 1.2 Improving Quality
Housing Authorities estimate total maintenance needs for public housing portfolios.
Housing Authorities report annual data on tenant complaints of housing conditions and crime reports.
The City of St. Louis disaggregates data on residential code violations by tenant-occupied residential properties.
Saint Louis County aggregates data on residential code violations from municipalities.
City and County inspect private housing stock for accessibility requirements.
Housing Authorities survey housing voucher holders on need and access to accessible units.
City and County use and assist in maintaining Vacancy Collaborative database tracking block captains, neighborhood associations, and community development corporations.
HUD disaggregates data on severe housing problems by race.
Strategy 1.3 Preventing Displacement
The City’s Collector of Revenue publishes data about the number of property tax suits filed, the amount owed, and the number of tax sales completed in their Open Data Portal.
City and County governments report the number of applicants and recipients of rental or mortgage assistance, disaggregated by race and geography.
The Missouri Department of Revenue reports the number of applicants and recipients of property tax relief programs, disaggregated by race and geography.
The Coalition tracks the number of affordable housing units protected through community ownership models.
Strategy 1.4 Financing for Home Repair and Rehabilitation
The City and County governments aggregate and report the number of applicants and recipients of home repair grant programs administered across the region, disaggregated by race, income level, and geography.
The Missouri Department of Social Services reports the number of households that applied and were assisted with energy efficiency programs, disaggregated by race, income level, and geography.
Strategy 2.1 Increasing Quantity
SLDC and Saint Louis County track asking rents for new construction.
SLDC and County track the asking price of for-sale new construction.
Saint Louis County publishes the number of housing units built using HOME, CDBG, and AHTF (when active) dollars
Saint Louis County tracks the number of residential building permits at a smaller level of geography, such as zip code or Census Tract for Unincorporated Saint Louis County.
Strategy 2.2 Supporting Mobility
Housing Authorities track the number of applications reviewed and vouchers issued annually.
Municipalities track the number of landlords accepting housing vouchers.
The Coalition tracks which municipalities offer source of income protections.
The Coalition tracks which municipalities support inclusionary zoning.
Strategy 2.3 Financing for New Construction and Homeownership
MHDC publishes data about its homebuyer assistance programs disaggregated by geography, race, and household income.
The Gateway Neighborhood Fund should plan to publish data disaggregated by geography, race, and household income.
SLDC maintains a public database of affordable housing development projects across subsidy programs.