Future Research

In the course of researching the Affordable Housing Report Card priorities, Coalition members and the consultants identified many more areas of research than what could be completed for this initial report. 

We recommend that future editions of the St. Louis Affordable Housing Report Card include addendums on the following topics:

  1. Regional financial support for affordable housing related to...

    • Homelessness prevention and shelters

    • Tenant education and homebuyer counseling

    • Neighborhood stabilization

    • Transitional housing

    • Rent/Mortgage/Utility subsidies

    • Energy efficiency

    • Improving access to neighborhood amenities

    • Fair housing

  2. Housing Special Populations: Populations with special housing needs identified by the coalition include...

  • Senior residents

  • Residents with physical disabilities

  • Residents with mental disabilities

  • Residents experiencing chronic homelessness

  • Residents with drug addictions

  • Residents for whom English is a second language

  • Survivors of domestic violence

  • Young adults aging out of foster care

  • Formerly incarcerated individuals re-entering society

  • Veterans

  • Very large families

  • Fixed-income

For most of these groups, we can estimate the size of the population. However, we are rarely able to identify housing that is built specifically to meet each group’s needs.